Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Aging is no fun...

I consistently have nagging injuries nowadays...pulled hamstring, strained neck. What a drag it is, getting old.

I work out pretty regularly, (3-4 times a week) plus play kickball and softball, so I'm always doing something. But it never fails, something gets hurt. Just enough to annoy me and keep me from sticking to my regimen, or at least with the effort that I like to put in.

Then I see guys like Lance Armstrong...are you effing kidding me? I'm the same age, and granted, I don't ride 5 million miles a week on a bike, but doesn't he feel it? Sore knee this morning, lower back is sore the next? Anything? I mean, the guy's missing a nut for Christ's sake!

I guess I should just shut the hell up and get to the gym...alright then.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Voter's Remorse...and Transformer Hotness

Had a laugh this morning...saw "Obama Sux" written in the grime on the back of a semi...I don't recall ever seeing that about Bushie...hmmm...some folks getting voter's remorse, are they?

I guess all those folks that claimed Obama was Socialist/Marxist don't look all that crazy now, do they? Hopefully enough of us Americans come to our senses and start ousting some of these spendthrift Repubs AND Dems in 2010...

And now, for something completely different...How hot is Megan Fox!! Just Damn! If only I could get her included when I buy the new Camaro, I'd have been at the dealer bright and early. However, it is a likely purchase anyway...I'm pushing the big Four-Oh, and need a new toy. Motorcycle? Too Dangerous. Boat? Possibly, but expensive "extra" things, like storage. And I've always loved the old Camaros, which this version pays homage to nicely...now, to wait for the convertible, or not...that is the question.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Ok, first post....

So, where to begin...I've been working with computers for near a decade, and this is my first blog...I know, WTF?

Anyways, should be fun...